Publication list on Google Scholar and PubMed.
- Corrette, J., Li, J., Shao, H., Veerasubramanian, P., Spakowitz, A., Downing, T.L., Allard, J., Nucleosome placement and polymer mechanics explain genomic contacts on 100kbp scales, Submitted 2024.
- Reddy, B., Allipeta, N., Allard, J., Gross, S., A new method to experimentally quantify dynamics of initial protein-protein interactions, Communications Biology (2024)
- Liang, G., Yin, H., Allard, J., Ding, F. Cost-efficient boundary-free surface patterning achieves high effective-throughput of time-lapse microscopy experiments , PLOS ONE, (2022) 17(10): e0275804
- Park, S., Kim, H., Wang, W., Eom, D.S., Allard, J., Zebrafish airineme shape is optimized between ballistic search and diffusive search, eLife, 2022;11:e7569 (2022).
- Goyette, J., Depoil, D, Yang, Z., Isaacson, S.A., Allard, J., van der Merwe, A., Gaus, K., Dustin, M., Dushek, O., Dephosphorylation accelerates the dissociation of ZAP70 from the T cell receptor, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 1;119(9):e2116815119 (2022), PubMed
- Taylor, R., Allard, J., Read, E.L., Simulation of receptor triggering by kinetic segregation shows role of oligomers and close-contacts, Biophys J, 121, 1–15 (2022).
- Clemens, L., Kutuzov, M., Goyette, J., Bayer, M. Allard, J. Dushek, O., Determination of the molecular reach of the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1. Biophys J, 120(1) 2054-2066 (2021). | PubMed
- Bovyn, M., Reddy, B., Gross, S., Allard, J. Roles of motor on-rate and cargo mobility in intracellular transport.
- Clemens, L., Dushek, O., Allard, J. Intrinsic disorder in the T cell receptor creates cooperativity and controls ZAP70 binding. Biophys J 120(2) 379-392 (2021). | PubMed
- Bovyn, M., Gross, S., Allard, J. Diffusion of kinesin motors on cargo can enhance binding and run lengths during intracellular transport. Molecular Biology of the Cell, Quantitative Cell Biology special issue, 32(9) 2021. | PubMed
- Boudreau, V., Hazel, J., Sellinger, J.K., Chen, P., Manakova, K., Radzyminski, R., Garcia, H.G., Allard, J., Gatlin, J., Maddox. P.S., Nucleo-cytoplasmic trafficking regulates nuclear surface area during nuclear organogenesis.
- Zhang Y., Clemens, L., Goyette, J., Allard, J., Dushek, O., Isaacson, S.A., The influence of molecular reach and diffusivity on the efficacy of membrane-confined reactions. Biophys J 117(7) 1189-1201 (2019). PubMed
- Allard, J., Doumic, M., Mogilner, A., Oelz, D., Bidirectional sliding of two parallel microtubules generated by multiple identical motors. Journal of Mathematical Biology 79(2):571-594 (2019) PubMed
- Liu, K., Chu, B, Newby, J., Read, E., Lowengrub, J., Allard, J., Hydrodynamics of transient cell-cell contact: The role of membrane permeability and active protrusion length. PLoS Computational Biology 15(4): e1006352 (2019) | PLoS | PubMed
- Liu, K., Lowengrub, J., Allard, J., Efficient simulation of thermally fluctuating biopolymers immersed in fluids on 1-micron, 1-second scales. J Comp Phys. J Comp Phys, 386:248-263 (2019). | PubMed
- Wang, M., Allard, J., Haun, J., Extracting multivalent nanoparticle detachment rates from heterogeneous populations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20:21430-21440 (2018). | PubMed
- Bergman, J. P.†, Bovyn, M. J.†, Gudheti, M. V., Gross, S. P., Allard, J. F., Vershinin, M. D., Cargo navigation across 3D microtubule intersections. Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences 115 (3) 537-542 (2018). †These authors contributed equally. PubMed
- Raz-Ben Aroush, D., Ofer, N., Abu Shah, E., Allard, J., Krichevsky, O., Mogilner, A., Keren, K., Actin turnover in lamellipodial fragments. Current Biology 27:19 2963 (2017). Journal. | PubMed
- Liu, K., Marple, G., Allard, J., Li, S., Veerapaeni, S., Lowengrub, J. Dynamics of a multicomponent vesicle in shear flow. Soft Matter 13, 3521-3531 (2017). | PubMed
- Goyette, J., Solis Salas, C., Coker-Gordon, N., Bridge, M., Isaacson, S.A., Allard, J., Dushek, O., A novel surface plasmon resonance assay for tethered enzymatic reactions applied to the tyrosine phosphatase SHP-1. Science Advances 3 e1601692 (2017). | PubMed
- Bryant, D., Clemens, L., Allard, J., Computational simulation of formin-mediated actin polymerization predicts homologue-dependent mechanosensitivity. Cytoskeleton 74:29-39 (2017). Journal | PubMed
- Barnhart, E.*, Allard, J.*, Mogilner, A., Theriot, J., Adhesion-dependent wave generation in crawling cells. Current Biology 27: 27:38 (2017). *E.B. and J.A. contributed equally. Journal | PubMed
- Iniguez, A., Allard, J., Spatial pattern formation in microtubule post-translational modifications and the tight localization of motor-driven cargo. Journal of Mathematical Biology 74:1059 (2017). PubMed
- Liu, K., Hamilton, C., Allard, J., Lowengrub, J., Li, S., Wrinkling Dynamics of Fluctuating Vesicles in Time-dependent Viscous Flow. Soft Matter 12:5663 (2016) | PubMed
- Mukhopadhyay, H., de Wet, B., Clemens, L., Maini, P.K., Allard, J., van der Merwe, P.A., Dushek, O., Multisite phosphorylation of the T cell receptor zeta-chain enhances the potency but not the switch-like response. Biophysical Journal 110 pp. 1896–1906 (2016) | PubMed
- Manakova, K, Yan, H., Lowengrub, J., Allard, J., Cell surface mechanochemistry and the determinants of bleb formation, healing and travel. Biophysical Journal 110 pp. 1636-1647 (2016) | PubMed
- Newby, J., Allard, J., First-passage time to clear the way for receptor-ligand binding in a crowded environment. Physical Review Letters 116, 128101 (2016). preprint
- Aland, S., Allard, J., Lowengrub, J., Numerical simulations of endocytosis: Viscous flow driven by membranes with non-uniformly distributed curvature-inducing molecules. Journal of Computational Physics 309 pp. 112-128 (2016). PubMed
- Lewis, O., Guy, R., Allard, J.* Actin-myosin spatial patterns from a simplified isotropic viscoelastic model. Biophysical Journal 107(4) pp. 863-870 (2014). *Corresponding author. PubMed
- Gou, J., Edelstein-Keshet, L., Allard, J.* Mathematical model with spatially uniform regulation explains long-range bidirectional transport of early endosomes in fungal hyphae. Molecular Biology of the Cell 25(16) pp. 2408-2415 (2014). *Corresponding author. PubMed
- Luo, W., Yu, C., Allard, J., Mogilner, A., Sheetz, M., Bershadsky, A., Analysis of the local organization and dynamics of cellular actin networks. Journal of Cell Biology 202(7) pp.1057-1073 (2013). PubMed
- Danuser, G., Allard, J., Mogilner, A., Mathematical modeling of eukaryotic cell migration: insights beyond experiments. Annual Reviews in Cell and Developmental Biology 29:18.1 (2013). PubMed
- Allard, J., Mogilner, A., Traveling waves in actin dynamics and cell motility. Current Opinion in Cell Biology. 25 (2012). PubMed
- Mogilner, A., Allard, J., Wollman, R. Cell polarity: Quantitative modeling as a tool in cell biology. Science. 336 pp. 175-179 (2012). PubMed
- Allard, J.F.*, Dushek, O.*, Coombs, D., van der Merwe, P.A., Mechanical modulation of receptor-ligand interactions at cell-cell interfaces. Biophysical Journal. 102 pp. 1265-1273 (2012) *J.F.A and O.D. contributed equally. PubMed
- Cytrynbaum, E.N., Li, Y., Allard, J.F., Mehrabian, H., Estimating the bending modulus of a FtsZ bacterial-division protein filament. Physical Review E 85, 011902 (2012). PubMed
- Ambrose, J. C., Allard, J. F., Cytrynbaum, E. N., Wasteneys, G. O. A CLASP-modulated cell edge barrier mechanism drives cell-wide cortical microtubule organization in Arabidopsis. Nature Communications. 2:430 (2011). PubMed
- Allard, J. F., Ambrose, J. C., Wasteneys, G. O., Cytrynbaum, E. N., Mechanochemical model explains interactions between cortical microtubules in plants. Biophysical Journal. 99 pp. 1082-1090 (2010). PubMed
- Allard, J. F., Wasteneys, G. O., Cytrynbaum, E. N. Mechanisms of self-organization of cortical microtubules in plants revealed by computational simulation. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 21 pp. 278-286 (2010). PubMed
- Allard, J. F., Rutenberg, A. D. Pulling helices inside bacteria: Imperfect helices and rings. Physical Review Letters. 102, 158105 (2009). PubMed
- Allard, J. F., Cytrynbaum, E. N. Force generation by a dynamic Z-ring in Escherichia coli cell division. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science (USA). 106(1) pp. 145-150 (2009). PubMed
- Allard, J. F., Rutenberg, A. D. Steady-state helices of the actin homolog MreB inside bacteria: Dynamics without motor proteins. Physical Review E. 76, 031916 (2007). PubMed
- Allard, J., Hill, A., Rutenberg, A. Heterocyst patterns without patterning proteins in cyanobacterial filaments Developmental Biology. 312(1) pp. 427-434 (2007). PubMed
- Allard, J., Mathematics and biophysics of cortical microtubules in plants, PhD Thesis, University of British Columbia (2010), pdf
- Allard, J., Models of the actin-like MreB helix in bacteria, MSc Thesis, Dalhousie University (2007), pdf